Tue. Jan 21st, 2025


Malicious Enticement

Nov 1971: The mayor of Evansdale, Iowa left his wife to be with a city clerk. This prompted the mayor's wife to sue the clerk for "maliciously enticing" him away from his wife. The husband of the clerk simultaneously sued

Orange-Pimiento Drink

Yum! I don't think that adulterating your OJ with mashed pimiento is too large a price to pay for shelf stability. It's a lot of work to keep taking your container of OJ in and out of the

AI-powered spice dispenser

Not all things benefit from being AI-powered.Now if this were part of a robot that could cook the meal, serve it, and then also spice it for you, that would be cool. But as a stand-alone gadget, it seems kinda

Steve's News